Is It a Coup?
It is bad, it is illegal, and it is a self-coup.
It is bad, it is illegal, and it is a self-coup.
It’s not enough, but without it, there’s only segregation and extermination.
The Ketamine Koup is fundamentally about unilateral control of the federal government's money.
A corrupt bargain has been struck between the oligarchs who own our public squares and the autocrats who aspire to own our country.
The Ketamine Koup will make America a mediocre backwater.
When conservatives want to burn down the system.
Only in modernity can the rich tell themselves that it is wrong to pity the poor, that their own wealth alongside another’s poverty is simply justice in action.
Liberal Currents offers discussion, elucidation, and defense of liberal principles and institutions.
Only in modernity can the rich tell themselves that it is wrong to pity the poor, that their own wealth alongside another’s poverty is simply justice in action.
If the Court and federal workers fail to stop Elon Musk, we are heading for authoritarianism.
We need to rally against his insurgency in the federal government, and we need to do it now.
Trump is consolidating control of online platforms and strong-arming news organizations.
Tariffs were central to mercantilist economic policy—deployed to generate funding for government, protection for industries, or pain for enemies. But can or will tariffs be put to a genuinely public-spirited use for today's United States? Samantha, Jason, and guest Maia Mindel talk about purposes and consequences of
Portland is not what right-wing fever dreams make it out to be.
It is absolutely critical that the opposition have a voice that is widely heard.
Scruton was a serious and thoughtful philosopher whose views warrant careful engagement.
Zionism is just 19th century nationalism, and its conflicts are ordinary nationalist conflicts.
Trump II is upon us, and the administration has already taken aim to reduce citizenship rights and deport immigrants, despite the longstanding truth that arguments against immigration don't hold much water. Liberal Currents associate editor Paul Crider joins Samantha and Jason to describe the new Republican restrictionism and
The broad powers of the president to limit the freedom of movement of Americans.
The solipsism of social media rests on the false promise of everything being yours: your feed, your network, your friends, customisable and uniquely, ineffably you.